Wendler Week 2/Day 1:
3 Reps @ 70% max (160lb)
3 Reps @ 80% max (185lb)
AMRAP @ 90% max (205lb)

30 Burpees
20 Russian KB Swings(85lb)
10 Wghtd Step ups Each leg (Box at mid-thigh)(45/35 Bumpers)
5 Dead Hang Pull ups
15 Burpees
10 Russian KB Swings
5 Wghtd Step ups Each leg
2 Dead hang Pullups

Likely we have to use a dumbbell as we don't have 85lb KBs.  This is a Russian Swing so go to about shoulder height
Weighted Step Up is just what it sounds like, step up onto a box with a bar on your shoulders
Push Press
Step Up
Ring Rows

Press/Push Press
Ring Rows
*20 Step Ups b/w each round

Again, good learning.  I am convinced that in every fitness endeavor, unless you are just unbelievably good (as in top 1% in the world) you should always be trying to improve what you are doing.  In working out it is usually better form and in golf it is trying to swing straight, etc etc.  I also believe that you should always have 1 or 2 "swing thoughts", no more, no less in order to effectively be improving.  What I mean is, while doing whatever, you should focus on 1 or 2 key things and making sure they happen until those become unconsciously done, otherwise known as "muscle memory".  If you focus on nothing, you will never improve, if you focus on too much (story of my bowling career) you will do none of them.

All this is to say, try to think of what your "cues" are.  I leave each workout in this class and write down, on paper, the "cues" that I need for that exercise to ensure good form.  This is the true key for me in taking this class, I want badly to improve my technique so I have to be thinking about it.